- What keeps me busy -


web dev

Making websites and web apps, both for clients and myself.

object design

Making CAD models of objects, usually functional things.


Bug bounty, capture-the-flag competitions, and pentesting.


Fabricating / modifying my designs, often robotics and IoT.

game dev

Indie games of my own design, favoring retro / pixel graphics.

- my commitment -

Dynamic professionalism defines me. As my client, you will receive a bespoke product designed to meet exactly your needs. Every project is unique: you deserve a development lifecycle that will end with pride for what we have accomplished together.

My clients are always kept in-the-loop when they desire to be. After all, accountability is key.

With degrees in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and over 5 years of industry experience, it is fair to say that technology is my life.

Whether you are looking for someone to take over your project, or just looking for a little guidance, I can help. Contact me today to schedule a consultation and a quote.

web development

Web development often includes many hidden obstacles; I handle all of that for my clients: I create and maintain websites and webapps, keeping them updated and running smoothly. My websites are responsive, user-friendly, and search-engine-optimized. Let me help you improve your online presence and reach new markets.

Let me take care of all the details to get you online, or improve your existing website. With services ranging from full-site design & hosting, to simple tweaks to promote accessibility or compliance, I am confident that we can add value to your online presence.

object design

What can you do when some little part breaks, and you can’t find a replacement? Where do you go when you have a great idea for something new, but don’t know how to make it a reality?

No problem – I can help. Not only can I replicate that broken part for you, I am highly skilled at creating my own designs from scratch. With my Engineering background, I know very well how to design a functional physical object, starting from just an idea or a simple sketch.


Ever worry about the security of your systems? Most individuals do not, and rightfully so: your web browser, OS, and software updates provide a baseline level of security that is enough to defend against the automated wide-targeted attacks that are ubiquitous in today’s online environment.

But all of that changes once you have a skilled and motivated individual attacking you. These days, even a disgruntled customer or angry ex can have the capabilities to do damage.

Contact me to do a security assessment: I can effectively simulate an attack on your systems. When I’m done, I’ll provide a thorough report and guidance on fixing any vulnerabilities.


Design is one of my great strengths – but my designs could not become reality without an equal strength in fabrication. I am one of those rare individuals that can do the whole job: ranging from woodworking, to wiring, to microcontroller programming, even control system design. I do it all!

Send me a challenge. My toolbox and parts bins are two of my favorite things; I always enjoy an excuse to open them up and build something new. I’m very comfortable with my trusty 3D printer. I’m equally comfortable interfacing with all kinds of sensors, learning new protocols, programming chips, making cables… the list goes on and on.

Game Development

Some video games are worthy of much appreciation. When I play video games, often I find myself thinking about the design decisions that went into their creation. This obsession has driven me to start creating my own games. I have two games in development: both incorporating retro-style “pixel” graphics.

Give me a shout if you want to get involved with one of my two games. While I am not actively seeking new game development projects, I welcome any enthusiastic collaborators for my two ongoing projects, especially pixel artists or retro/chiptune musicians.

Websites Made
0 +
Things Designed
0 +
3D Printer Build Hrs
0 +
Systems Pwned
0 +

Whether you are looking for someone to take over your project, or just looking for a little guidance, I can help. Contact me today to schedule a consultation and a quote.

- Payments -

I can be flexible for receiving payments. Please get in touch if you need to arrange something in particular.

These are the two most convenient methods: